I discovered my passion for reading during middle school. My mother gave me her old worn-out copy of A Wrinkle In Time, and, after a lot of complaints that it looks boring, I fell in love. I was transported to a new world and the characters felt like friends I had always known. For the first time, I became so engrossed that I was unable to focus on anything else but finishing the story. I still remember getting in a lot of trouble for missing dinner because I would not put down my book. This is my wish for my middle school students. Not that you read A Wrinkle in Time (although I highly recommend it), but that you discover for yourself those stories that grab you and won't let you go. Happy reading!
Ms. Paton: 6th Grade English: spaton@trevor.org
I read in order to get lost-- when I want to take a break from my everyday life and explore a new world-- and in order to get found-- when I need to feel connected to someone else's emotions and experiences. Reading lets us make sense of who we are and imagine who we might become. As James Baldwin wrote, "It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive."
Mr. Brink: 7th Grade English jbrink@trevor.org